Soul Care: Nurturing the Nurturers A Retreat for Clergy, Religious and Those in Who Minister to Others
Led By: Janet Corso
Fee: $355 (Deposit: $100)
November 27- November 30, 2018
The challenges of being spiritually present to others can sometimes prove exhausting, if not, at times, overwhelming. Burgeoning responsibilities, unrealistic expectations or unexpressed projections can sometimes leave us emotionally and spiritually drained in our ministries and lead to a full crisis of disillusionment, and burnout or sense of growing disengagement and ennui — spiritual brownout. This retreat will explore issues common to those who are dedicated to the soul care of others and focus on the deeper challenges of obedience to listening to where God and our True Selves are inviting us.
Janet is the past director of Mariandale Retreat and Conference Center in Ossining, NY. She is an associate of the Dominican Sisters of Hope, taught philosophy for many years at Mt. St. Mary’s in Newburgh, NY and is the founder and past director of Sarabrae, Women’s Spirituality Center. An experienced certified spiritual director, supervisor, program presenter, and retreat director, she is also the team coordinator of Mariandale’s Contemplative Formation Program, as well as a team member of the Linwood – Mariandale Spiritual Directors’ Training Program and the Supervisors’ Training Program. She resides in the Hudson Valley.