Sisterly Conversations 2016: Nurturing Our Spirits – Sharing Our Sacred Practices
Mary E. Hunt

Sisterly Conservations 2016 is a welcome chance to come together with a focus on spirituality. We will acknowledge the intimate connections of spirituality and sexuality, the ways in which our lesbian/queer/bi/trans lives (and those of our allies, too) reflect the unique and powerful experiences we share.
We will learn more about the spiritual practices different women value, try on some we have never experienced before, see what we want to leave aside, and what we embrace. Old forms, with which we have grown up and still treasure, and new ways of engaging the sacred and one another will propel us into the next phases of our lives.
Plan on experiencing spirituality, discussing important issues both personal and professional, enjoying meals and walks, music and rituals.
Come and bring your wisdom. Enjoy the bounty of the community. Enter deeply into the holiness we share. Whether it is your first time or your tenth, come and be at home on the mountain in spirit and body.
Mary E. Hunt, Ph.D., is a feminist theologian who is co-founder and co-director of the Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics and Ritual (WATER) in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA. A Catholic active in the women-church movement, she lectures and writes on theology and ethics with particular attention to social justice concerns.
Cost $375 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.
New for Sisterly Conversations 2016: Women wanting to spend more time at Kirkridge to do as they please, including enjoying one another’s company, are welcome to arrive on Thursday any time after 1:00 PM. Optional small group activities will be offered for both Thursday evening and Friday throughout the day.
$80 for the optional additional time (Thursday afternoon through Friday afternoon). Call to register for the extra night. Registrations for the weekend can be made online.