Silent Directed Retreat with Rick McCorrister

November 8, 2015 - November 11, 2015
Offered by Sorrento Centre
Sorrento BC


SUNDAY, November 8 – WEDNESDAY, November 11, 2015
Silent Directed Retreat
with Rick McCorrister

This will be a time to enter into silence through the practice of inner stillness, prayer, and reflection with a trusted spiritual director/companion.

We will begin Sunday evening with an orientation to the retreat time: what to expect, any questions or concerns about how to be in silence, how will the days flow, times for spiritual direction each day. We will end our time with a prayer/worship time for entering the stillness.

Monday and Tuesday we will be in silence. We will have a prayer time each morning and evening to give structure to our day. In addition there will be opportunity each day for each participant to meet with Rick for a spiritual direction time.

Meals will also be in silence. Wednesday morning we will use our Morning Prayer time as our coming out of silence ritual. The rest of the morning will be a time to debrief the experience of practicing inner stillness. We will also spend time reflecting on the transition from this time of silent retreat into our regular lives beyond Sorrento. We will conclude with lunch together.

Rick McCorristerRICK McCORRISTER is an experienced spiritual director, educator, and group facilitator who enjoys sharing his passion for the spiritual journey with others and focusing on ways to strengthen their spiritual journey. He is a graduate of the Pacific Jubilee Program in Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction.

Rick offers spiritual direction to individuals and groups, leads retreats, and facilitates workshops in spiritual formation which focus on ways to strengthen one’s spiritual journey through prayer and meditation, mindfulness, the Archetypes, Sacred Movements, the Enneagram, and the Labyrinth.

  • Course Fee: $572 includes instruction, meals Sunday supper through Wednesday lunch, and single based accommodation.
  • Register for this course here »
  • About Accommodation » and Meals »


Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction