Silent Directed Retreat

September 10, 2019 - September 12, 2019

Tuesday–Thursday, September 10–12, 2019

Our God of love so desires to meet with you in the quiet of your heart. Carve out time to come aside and be still, to let your soul settle into the quiet of our Guest House, to be intimately present to yourself and to God.

A trained spiritual guide will meet with you twice during the silence and solitude of your retreat to help you listen for the movement of God in your prayer and life journey. Your spiritual guide can introduce you to ways of prayer and suggest scriptural or other prayer content, and you are welcome to bring your contemplative crafts and journal.

We will meet as a group at 6:45 pm on Tuesday evening to open the retreat and again at 3:30 pm on Thursday for a short closing prayer service.

    • Arrivals and registration: 2-4 pm Tuesday; ends 4:00 pm Thursday
    • Fee: $240; deposit $50.
    • Registration deadline: September 3, 2019
    • Limited enrollment
    • Registration here »

  • All retreats and quiet days at St. John’s Convent take place in the milieu of a contemporary monastic community which has a daily rhythm of prayer. All guests are invited to take part in the daily Eucharist, and those staying overnight may like to join us in the Divine Office (Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Compline).
  • See the regular chapel and meal schedule here »
Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction