November 7, 2018
Participants will explore what it means to be a shepherd of souls and how to promote the shepherd of souls ministry in the congregation. This ministry and way of life represent the deeply meaningful, personal, and communal life of befriending brothers and sisters in the faith. It serves the work of discipleship that is formed through personal, trusted relationships. It benefits from corporate worship and the prayer life of the church in liturgy and song. The shepherd of souls ministry can take place between congregational staff members. It can happen before, during or after a council meeting. It can happen in a variety of faith formation settings, including Bible studies and confirmation. It can happen at home, work and school. In fact, it can and does happen in all of those settings. The world needs—and the church needs—that ministry to happen with increased intentionality and consistency. For it to happen organically and effectively in the life of a congregation, it will need to include the leadership of the clergy. For it to bless the lives of Christians and non-Christians alike, it will need to break out of sanctuaries, council meetings, fellowship halls and classrooms and enter into homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and the larger world that is waiting to hear and experience the reconciling love of God in Christ.
Tuition: $40
Contact Hours: 6
Class Times:
9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Seminar Leaders:
Instructor: Rev. Dr. David Anderson, Co-Director, Milestones Ministry, LLC