This one-day retreat approaches Lent as a season of kairos time: time set aside, in the midst of daily life, for deepened awareness of the ways God is at work around and through us. We will recall once again that grace is unearned.
This day together will offer participants opportunities for reflection on our daily spiritual practices, especially during the season of Lent. This time set aside will involve worship, personal prayer, journaling, conversation, music, learning, creative expression, and opportunities to enjoy the beautiful grounds of Tatamagouche Centre.
This event is suitable for lay and ordered persons in any life stage. The emphasis will be on cultivating openness to the presence of the Word and the Spirit in ordinary ways.
Participants will have the option to receive an advance copy of Rob Fennell’s new manuscript, 40 Short Spiritual Practices, in exchange for offering feedback on the book.
Also, please be sure to bring your daytimer, calendar, smart phone, or other device or method of organizing your time.
Program Cost: $45 ($26.50 tuition + $18.50 meals/snacks)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program.
Rev. Dr. Robert Fennell
Rev. Dr. Rob Fennell teaches theology and the history of Christianity at Atlantic School of Theology in Halifax. Rob has served in ministry with congregations in Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. He is editor of Intercultural Visions: Called to be the Church (UCPH, 2012) and co-editor of Three Ways of Grace: Drawing Closer to the Trinity (UCPH, 2010).