Michael Morwood
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Our lifetimes have seen the greatest transformation of theological/spiritual belief ever. These years have featured radical questioning of authoritative religious beliefs, awareness of human dependence on a healthy planet as an essential component of a healthy spirituality, new understanding of humanity’s place in the universe, appreciation of and respect for varying sexual identities, and the failure of institutional religion to keep pace with the changes in thinking and practice.
Where are now as we build on the shoulders of some who have gone before us and some still among us? The weekend offers the opportunity to explore and share our own personal faith journey in these times, to share the convictions we have arrived at, and to articulate the ground on which we want to stand in the years ahead.
Michael Morwood is the author of 10 books on spirituality. One of his major themes in lecturing and writing is the need to interpret Jesus in light of his actual teaching and in light of contemporary understanding of how the Divine Presence is ,and always has been, everywhere and always active throughout the universe and in the human endeavor. www.morwood.org
Cost $385 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition.