Quiet Saturday

February 7, 2015
Toronto ON


“Choose life so that you and your descendants may live” (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Quiet Saturday: February 7, 2015

Are you wondering where God is calling you at this moment in time? Are you considering new opportunities or trying to decide between different options?

Come and learn about the art of discernment and what forms of prayer might be most helpful in this process.

Led by Sr. Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas, SSJD, Prioress, Novitiate Director, and a mentor of the summer discernment program.

  • Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm.
  • Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.
  • Registration: see here »
Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction