Quiet Garden Days 2015

June 13, 2015 - August 15, 2015
Toronto ON

June 13, 2015

  • July 11, 2015
  • August 15, 2015




Inspired by the Quiet Garden Trust in England, these are days to relax, renew, and rest in the beauty of God’s outdoors, as well as to enjoy the Sisters’ chapel and library. In case of rain, there is plenty of space indoors to wander, sit, dream, and pray.

We begin with a brief time of prayer; then a Sister will offer suggestions on how to use the day. The rest of the morning is yours. The Eucharist is celebrated at noon, followed by dinner, and the afternoon is again free, with a brief gathering at 3:30 pm for a closing time of prayer, and the option of sharing the blessings of the day.

  • Begins 9:30 am with gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm.
  • Fee: $20 if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.
  • Registration here »


The Quiet Garden Prayer

Oh Lord Jesus
true gardener
work in us what you want of us,
For you are indeed the true gardener
at once, maker and tiller and keeper of your garden
you who plant with the word,
water with the spirit
and give your increase with your power.

Cisterician Guerric of Igny 12th century

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction