Putting the End of the World in Perspective

September 21, 2017 - September 23, 2017

21st September – 23rd September 2017

2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s challenge to the Church of Rome with his nailing of his Ninety-five Theses to the Wittenberg Door. It also symbolises the end of the Protestant era and ‘Here I Stand’ theology, and the beginning of a new era of ‘Here We Go’ inter-spirituality and fluid faith. Michael Christensen explores the ‘new thing’ that God is doing, across all religions.

Examine social paradigm shifts, historic turning points, cultural tipping points and major theological transitions in the history of Christianity and look at seismic shifts and cataclysmic change in how we see the world.

Michael Christensen taught for 20 years at Drew University. Currently, he is visiting scholar and adjunct faculty at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego. An ordained minister in The United Methodist Church, he is also Executive Director of WorldHope Corps in support of development projects in Malawi and Uganda.

For the full programme, please click here.

Residential prices start from £215, non-residential from £150. Discount rates for clergy and students apply.

For more information or to book, please call 01244 532350 or email enquiries@gladlib.org.

Categories: Church History  |  Courses  |  Ecumenism