This one-day retreat approaches Lent as a season of creativity, time set aside in the midst of daily life for deepened awareness of the ways the Creator is at work around and through us.
This day together will offer participants opportunities for learning through paintings and poems, conversation, creative expression, contemplation, and chances to enjoy the beautiful grounds of Tatamagouche Centre. This event is suitable for lay and ordered persons in any life stage. The emphasis will be on cultivating openness to the creative presence of the Spirit within us.
Program Cost:$50 ($30 tuition+$20 meal/snacks)
Please register at least 2 weeks in advance to secure your place in this program
Dr. Wanda Campbell
Dr. Wanda Campbell teaches Creative Writing and Women’s Literature at Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. Her debut novel Hat Girl is forthcoming from Signature Editions (2013) and she has published four collections of poetry, Daedalus Had a Daughter (2011) Grace (2009), Looking for Lucy (2008), and Sky Fishing (1997). She is trained as an Ignatian spiritual guide and is interested in the role of creativity in spiritual formation.