Preparing for the Incarnation

December 16, 2016 - December 18, 2016
West Park NY


Friday, December 16 – Sunday, December 18, 2016

Led by Rev. Gwyneth MacKenzie Murphy

This retreat is an opportunity to leave behind our culture’s Christmas frenzy and enter together into the deep calm of the monastery’s observance of Advent. (Is there a better way to prepare for Christmas? No Santas, sales, or singing of carols!) We will focus on the mystery of Incarnation in the here and now. In the Middle Ages, Meister Eckhart said, “We are all called to be Mothers of God, for God is constantly needing to be born.” How can we bear God into the world? How can we be God’s presence in the world? There will be time spent together in reflection, conversation, and prayer, as well as unstructured, individual time. Please bring writing materials. The monastery library and bookstore will offer a selection of Advent books.

The Rev. Gwyneth MacKenzie Murphy is a retreat leader, spiritual director, sacred dancer, and serves as an interim parish priest in the Diocese of New York.

Cost: $300; deposit: $80

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction