Preaching the Gospel According to Luke Through Year C

October 7, 2015
Offered by Luther Seminary
St. Paul MN


October 7, 2015   Preaching the Gospel According to Luke Through Year C


The Gospel of Luke begins with songs of hope and ends at a table Jesus hosts. The Gospel narrates a Jesus who eats with the powerful as well as sinners, a Jesus who tells powerful stories about being lost and being found, a Jesus who is crushed by oppressive forces yet vindicated by God’s justice, grace and love. Luke casts a powerful imagination of a world turned upside down (Acts 17:6).

Spend an afternoon re-acquainting yourself with Luke, its unique parables, its emphasis on the promised liberation of God’s people and its audacious claims in the context of imperial rule. We will consider together through lecture and small-group discussion your preaching during this lectionary year that points to a God who promises life more abundant than we can dare imagine.

Tuition: $45

Contact Hours: 3.5

Class Times: 1:30-5 p.m.

Seminar Leader:

  • Eric Barreto, Associate Professor of New Testament, Luther Seminary

Register Online Now!

Categories: Biblical Studies  |  Preaching  |  Seminars