Prayer, Pilgrimage & Healing

April 8, 2013 - April 13, 2013
AbiquiuNM 87510


Workshop ID: G13S428
Dates: April 8, 2013 – April 13, 2013 Price: $350

This retreat is an open invitation to all those diagnosed with a serious or life threatening illness. Knowing the impact that a devastating illness can have on those living with a loved one, families and caregivers are also welcome and encouraged to join. We will explore a holistic approach to prayer culminating in a pilgrimage to the sacred church Santuario de Chimayo, north of Santa Fe. Built in 1816 this sanctuary is a destination for over 300,000 spiritual seekers annually as a refuge for prayer and healing.

Easy everyday movements, breathing, meditative prayer, Christian chant and the sharing of our stories, struggles and daily victories will be incorporated as tools to help reduce the impact advanced illness has on the body, mind, emotions and spirit. These tools of healing can have a pacifying effect on the symptoms of most illnesses and help uncover and strengthen a persons pre-existing faith. Through this contemplative practice and sharing, each participant will be able to emerge from the retreat with greater confidence in the opportunities and techniques available for coping with a situation that had previously seemed beyond hope. Though the body may continue to feel the effects of an illness, the mind and heart, through faith, can influence the process of healing, so we are able to continue our lives without the dis-ease of a disease. The presenter, Jim Reale will draw on his knowledge and experience as a hospice nurse, teacher of contemplative practice and yoga therapist.


instructor_JimRealeJim Reale has been teaching contemplative practices since 1995. He first traveled to India in 1996 and has returned there on numerous occasions to continue his studies integrating eastern wisdom practices into western spirituality. Within the last ten years, he has taught at national conferences with Richard Rohr, Thomas Keating and James Finley all of whom are pioneers in the field of Christian prayer and meditation.Jim’s approach to prayer is holistic incorporating movement, breath, Christian chant, intention and attention as a way to pray to the Divine with our whole being before entering a period of and stillness and silence.He sees his mission as teaching contemplative practices as a way of linking with the Sacred.He has composed and published his first CD entitled, Doorway to Devotion. Jim is also featured on the DVD Jesus and Buddha Paths to Awakening with Fr. Richard Rohr and James Finley.Jim is a Registered Nurse and has practiced medicine in the areas of oncology and hospice.In addition, Jim has completed a 1000-hour yoga therapy program sponsored by the Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation in Chennai, India. He is currently the director of Southwest Yoga Care in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Need more info? Call us at (505) 685 – 4333 ext 4152

Two ways to register:

  1. Download printable registration form and mail to: Ghost Ranch Registrar, HC77 Box 11, Abiquiu, NM 87510. OR scan and email your completed form to: [email protected]
  2. Register by telephone at 877-804-4678, extension 4152 or 4155 — available Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m. MST.

Online Registration will be available December 10, 2012

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction