Practices of Presence: Silent Retreat with Yoga and Meditation

November 24, 2017 - November 26, 2017
West Park NY

Practices of Presence: Silent Retreat with Yoga and Meditation

Friday Nov 24 – Sunday Nov 26, 2017

Led by Carolyn Bluemle

Limited to 13 participants


Come, take refuge, enter a monastic rhythm of silence and presence. In yoga postures, align body and breath in prayer. In meditation, let yourself rest in God by letting God rest in you. In mindful walking and mindful eating cultivate presence and gratitude. Chant the psalms with the monks. Sing Taizé chants in the beautiful chapel.

We can think of the kingdom of heaven as a distant land, or we can enter the kingdom of heaven within through practices of presence. The kingdom is that land where our heart opens and it is in the present moment that can we bridge the gulf between ourselves and others. To enter the kingdom of heaven is to become available: available to the world, to ourselves, and to God. There Christ can become visible beside us, above us, below us, before us and we may see the face of Christ in those we meet. The day may dawn and the morning star may rise in our hearts—in the midst of our joy and in the midst of our suffering. The celebration of the Kingdom is the culmination of the church year before the quiet days of Advent and is a beautiful way to follow our celebrations of Thanksgiving and gratitude.

There will be a prayer table in the practice room. For that table, please bring something that will remind you of what you would like to be available for or available to. Yoga props are provided. Previous experience with yoga is not required but is recommended because familiarity with some of the postures makes it easier to enter the practice as prayer. All postures can be modified for any-body.

Carolyn Bluemle has taught yoga since 1989 and is Iyengar certified. She has led numerous retreats at Holy Cross and workshops in the Sacred Circles program at the Washington National Cathedral. She holds a Masters in ancient Greek philosophy from UC Berkeley and has enjoyed many years as a dancer. Through the healing practices of yoga, meditation, and Taizé chant she has renewed her Christian faith. Her teaching, precise and enthusiastic, with humor and compassion, reflects her deep experience of yoga as

Fee: $ 260  Deposit:$ 80

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction