Paths in Prayer
Oct 14-16, 2016
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610-566-4507, ext. 137
Teach us to pray, the disciples asked Jesus. The question still echoes for us: How can we pray now, in this moment of joy or fear, of despair or gratitude or awe? Join us as we experiment with prayer and explore traditions of prayer that use story and poetry, beads, images, movements. We will pray through questions and through silent waiting. Find the prayer practice authentically fitted for you in your daily life, prayer habits that help you stay in harmony with the Spirit.
Nancy Bieber is a retreat leader, spiritual director, teacher and psychologist. She is the author of Decision Making & Spiritual Discernment: The Sacred Art of Finding Your Way (2010). Nancy has frequently taught classes on prayer, most recently at Lancaster Theological Seminary and for Oasis Ministries. She is passionate about the importance of weaving prayer into our lives. A member of Lancaster (PA) Friends Meeting, Nancy has been a beloved retreat leader at Pendle Hill for many years.