Native Ministries Consortium
NMC Summer School 2013
Training for Leadership in Ministry
July 8 – 19, 2013
Vancouver School of Theology
Online Registration now available!
MISSION: To empower and facilitate leadership, spiritual expression and justice to enable Indigenous people to exercise self determination with the Christian Church and in society.
Under NMC initiation and active participation, the Indigenous Studies Centre at Vancouver School of Theology offers a Master of Divinity degree by extension for people in Native Ministries.
NMC Partners: Anglican First Nations Council of Caledonia, Cook Native American Ministries (Tempe, AZ), Episcopal Church in Navajoland, Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, Henry Budd College for Ministry (The Pas, MB), Hummingbird Ministries (BC Presbytery of Westminster), Indigenous Theological Training Institute (Episcopal Church), John Makuakane Institute for Christian Leadership (Hawaii), Native Ministries Council, BC Conference (United Church of Canada), Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre (MB) and Vancouver School of Theology

Week of July 8 – 12
MORNING: 8:30am – 11:30am
The Rev. Dr. Wendy Fletcher, Ojibwe, Lakota and Haida, Professor of the History of Christianity, Vancouver School of Theology
This course will provide a consideration of key themes in Christian history from the early church to the 19th century, with particular reference to healing and reconciliation (cure of souls and communities). The stories of church as institution and church as reform movement in this work will be explored through a study of the teachings of elders from the patristic, medieval, reformation and counter-reformation eras and their implications for church life and structures.
This course meets the requirements for the M.Div. degree program but is open to everyone.
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The Rev. Dr. Malcolm N?ea Chun, Hawaiian, Episcopal Priest, Board Member of the Indigenous Theological Training Institute, Author, and Vancouver School of Theology Visiting Distinguished Scholar, Summer 2013
Native Spirituality is not what Indigenous peoples call our relationship with what is greater than who we are. We may struggle to provide an adequate and appropriate definition of what it might be for others, but more importantly that struggle provides the opportunity for Indigenous peoples to give a thick description of what our fundamental beliefs, traditions and ways of living have been and are today, for ourselves. Using Indigenous methodologies of study this course will explore how Indigenous peoples can reclaim our understanding of past traditions and beliefs to who we are today, particularly through the experience of Native Hawaiians, and you always want to be in the islands, don’t you?
This course meets the requirements for the M.Div. degree program but is open to everyone.
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Week of July 8 – 12
AFTERNOON: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
3) GITXSAN RITES OF PASSAGE: Conception to Birth, Birth to Teenager, Youth to Death
Dinim Get (Art Matthews), Hereditary Chief of the Gitxsan Gitwangak Wolf Clan, currently retired after many years working in the forest industry, is passionate about sharing his knowledge of Gitxsan ways through numerous workshops with elementary, secondary and post-secondary students, and guest lecturer at the University of Northern British Columbia and Northwest Community College
This course will deal with traditions and proper grooming of a child from birth to death. The “Do’s and Don’ts” of child rearing, respect and conduct of youth and responsibilities that include the importance of spirituality throughout ones life. In other words, “Chicken Soup of Life,” Gitxsan style.
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The Rev. Dr. Martin Brokenleg, Lakota and Haida, Vice President of Reclaiming Youth International and former director of the Native Ministries Program at VST.
This course is a survey of issues contemporary Aboriginal youth face from gangs to suicide pacts. Each day is devoted to one issue with a goal of planning for progress through ministry. Students will read a resource bibliography, hear lectures, take part in planning sessions, and present one issue from their own community and what they plan to do about it when they get home.
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Week of July 15 – 19
MORNING: 8:30am – 11:30am
The Rev. Dr. David Hirano, Intentional Interim Minister, United Church of Christ, Hawaii and Adjunct Professor (retired) San Francisco Theological School and Pacific School of Religion
This course will explore the application of pastoral theology in Indigenous contexts and the student will learn how to adopt and apply principles of pastoral care of institutions (e.g., churches) and of individuals in their contexts. This course will examine the meaning of being a pastor in the Indigenous context including perceptions of authority. In addition, the course will probe the meaning of shame in Indigenous contexts and develop ways to deal with shame institutionally and individually.
This course meets the requirements for the M.Div. degree program but is open to everyone.
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6) AMOS: Prophet and Reformer
The Rev. Dr. Patricia Dutcher-Walls, Professor of Hebrew Scripture, Vancouver School of Theology
How do the church and concerned Christians address social justice issues in our local communities and the world community? What is the Biblical and prophetic basis for the church’s involvement in social justice? This course will engage both the theology and practice of social justice. We will look at the uses of power in societal relationships and current social justice issues and use the book of Amos to define two “voices”: the “Prophet” who is a spokesperson of God’s justice and the “Reformer” who seeks to embody and institutionalize social justice.
This course meets the requirements for the M.Div. degree program but is open to everyone.
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July 15 – 19
AFTERNOON: 2:00pm – 5:00pm
The Honourable Graydon Nicholas, Maliseet, Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick
Today’s challenges for aboriginal people are numerous. One of these areas is the fundamental one of religious practices. Since the time of contact with the early missionaries, who came to spread the Gospel to aboriginal people, this continues to be a fabric of change. The spiritual teachings of aboriginal people has been the subject of legislative enactments and a partnership of assimilation by the federal government and the Christian churches. Evangelism is the continuing quest that must be re-examined in today’s culture of change. Who is Christ in the aboriginal community? Do aboriginal spiritual teachings have a coexistence today within the Christian faith? This course will examine and discuss what is possible.
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Members of the Indian Residential School Survivors Society will provide facilitation and leadership in this program
We will explore the whole concept of reconciliation, from many different perspectives. First, what does the Bible say about reconciliation? What do the Churches say about Reconciliation? What does Canada say about Reconciliation? What does the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Residential Schools say about Reconciliation? And what does First Nations cultures say about Reconciliation? What will reconciliation, in many or all of its manifestations, play in the future relationships between First Nations peoples and the rest of the citizens of our country? Is Reconciliation happening in any way in your personal life, your family, your community? If so, what does it look like? Other manifestations of reconciliation will certainly arise as participants begin to engage in conversation on the subject. Are the several apologies made to First Nations over the past few years significant enough to foster behaviours that lead to reconciliation?
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Native Ministries Summer School courses are nonsectarian and interdisciplinary. Courses examine historical and social data, literary-oral traditions, artistic and other cultural aspects of Indigenous religions. Courses also examine the philosophical and theological dimensions of aboriginal thought. Daily attendance and the keeping of a journal are usually the requirements for those taking the course for NMC credit.
Native Ministries Summer School courses may be taken for transfer credit. Please contact the Native Ministries Program office to inquire about transferable degree credit.
A $35 (Cdn) non-refundable fee is due with your registration. This is in addition to other fees.
Tuition is $275 (CDN) per course for NMC credit (15 contact hours). Auditors pay full tuition. Spouses of students registered in the NMC program pay a fee of $25 to audit a course. Tuition fees can be paid in advance. All fees are payable in Canadian dollars at registration. We accept MasterCard and Visa.
In the event of low registrations, some courses may be cancelled. Information on course cancellation will be available on our website by June 5, 2013.
Gage Towers at UBC: NMC has a group room booking (single rooms with shared bath and kitchen facilities) at Gage for the two weeks of summer school. Book accommodation online, using their secure website.
Guests are also welcome to contact the Gage Reservations Office at our toll-free number: 1-888-822-1030 to make a reservation. Please inform our staff that you are a guest of Native Ministries Consortium 2013. Group Room Booking Code is: G130707A. Reservation deadline is June 7, 2013. A credit card is usually required to make the reservation. Please advise staff if you need to make other arrangements (e.g. payment by cheque or money order).
Carey Centre: www.careycentre.com Phone: 604-224-4308
Next door to VST and a good option for couples. Single or queen rooms with en-suite bathrooms and linen service. Also a limited number of fully furnished apartments.
St. Andrew’s Hall: www.standrews.edu
Phone: 604-822-9720 or e-mail [email protected]
Quad Apartments: four single, private bedrooms, two shared baths, and shared kitchen and common area, including a limited number of fully disabled-accessible.
NMC offers breakfast and lunch, Monday to Friday at a cost of $125 per person, per week. Lunch only – $75 per person, per week.
NOTE: Our ability to respond to special dietary needs is limited.
NMC is pleased to offer a Children’s Program at no charge, for children of students attending summer school. If you plan to bring children with you, please include this information with your registration, or phone the NMC office at 604-827-3447.

H.R. MacMillan Fund
Limited funding is available from the H.R. MacMillan for those who are ordained. Application forms are available online here or contact the NMC office at [email protected] or by phone. Deadline for applications is June 1, 2013
NMC – VST Bursaries
Limited funds are available to assist students attending summer school. Applications forms are available online here or by sending an email request to [email protected] or by phoning the NMC office.
Deadline for applications is June 7, 2013.