My Neighbor – A Gift of God: Relating to Those Who are Different from Us

September 11, 2015 - September 13, 2015
West Park NY

My Neighbor – A Gift of God: Relating to Those Who are Different from Us

Friday, September 11 – Sunday, September 13

Led by Rev. Masud Ibn Syedullah

Since the attacks of 9/11, we have become a more insular society. We are increasingly challenged to interact with people who are different from us, and confront our views about “the other.”

How does Christian spirituality offer to us ways to be both faithful to God and appreciative of our neighbors? How might God want to use us to bear witness to his love and presence among those of other cultures in the midst of the current atmosphere of fear, suspicion, and revenge?

Within the context of commemorating the horrific events of fourteen years ago, this retreat offers The Four Assertions from Christian faith and practice as a resource to equip us for the on-going task of working towards peacemaking, understanding, and cooperation with those whom we perceive to be so radically different from ourselves.

The Rev. Masud Ibn Syedullah TSSF is an Episcopal priest of the Diocese of New York and is the Founder and Director of Roots & Branches: Programs for Spiritual Growth ( Born into an interfaith family (his father a Muslim, and mother a Christian), his life and ministry is one of bridge building, seeking ways to encourage and foster peace making and reconciliation among people of different backgrounds. In 1991 he was a founding member of the Episcopal-Muslim Relations Committee of the Diocese of New York and continues to serve on that committee which works to promote mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation between Episcopal and Muslim communities. He is a professed member of the Third Order, Society of Saint Francis – a religious community within the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion inspired by the life and witness of St. Francis of Assisi.

Cost: $265, deposit: $80

Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  World Religions