Musician’s Conference

April 14, 2020 - April 17, 2020
Double occupancy (Shared Bedroom): $335 Single occupancy (Private Bedroom): $465 Commuter (Non-Resident): $165 (Refer to website for more details)
130 Kanuga Chapel Drive

A gathering of creative and innovative music leaders from around the country

The Musician’s Conference at Kanuga is a gathering of creative and innovative music leaders from around the country. It is a time set aside for renewal through the empowerment, support and mutual encouragement of peers – friends “in the trenches” who understand the challenges of our unique vocation.  Come establish enriching friendships with colleagues, learn best practices and clarify your own hope-filled vision of a renewed Church.  If you lead (or are part of) any form of alternative or emerging music expression in the church, this conference is for you.  Join us for two days and three nights of fellowship, collaborative worship, peer-led interactive discussions, renewing of spirit and jam-session fun!

Who is this conference for?

Whether you’re a band-worship leader, an organist, a member of a contemporary music team, a singer, one-person-worship leader, or anywhere in the middle, this conference is for you. We look to share a mutual-respecting, cross-denominational and genre-inclusive experience of energizing and engaging communal-music leadership.

Categories: Music  |  Retreats  |  Wellness In Ministry