Ministry of Supervision Course

May 2, 2016 - October 28, 2016
Offered by Five Oaks Centre
Paris ON


Ministry of Supervision Course

Register through Emmanuel College.

Learning Together: Program offered in partnership with Emmanuel College Continuing Education, Oaten Institute of Five Oaks and United in Learning.

One of the most important ministries that congregations, hospitals, and social ministry placements can offer is a setting for the supervision of students. Many clergy and lay people have found themselves called upon to be a supervisor of Designated Lay Ministers, Ministry Based students, Interns and Field Education students, without any formal training.


The Ministry of Supervision course is designed to:

  • Provide learning situations where people may experience, practice and reflect upon the skills and methods of supervision
  • Travel with others on the journey toward accountable ministry
  • Be mentor, guide, challenger, supporter, encourager, listener,   co-learner, educator, evaluator, spiritual companion . . .

Program Format

  • Case studies and practice supervision sessions to develop skills in supervision
  • A learning covenant to clarify participants’ goals and objectives
  • Learning modules covering various facets of supervision
  • Concrete information on all aspects of supervision administration
  • Self, peer and team leader evaluation


This course will seek to improve the quality of supervision by:

  • Enabling participants to experience and identify their learning needs and to prepare a learning covenant
  • Enabling participants to practice supervision skills and receive feedback
  • Providing participants with a basic knowledge of and skill in the supervisory process
  • Enabling individuals to claim and develop their skills in theological reflection
  • Helping participants to discover their own strengths and weaknesses and develop their own patterns of supervision in ministry
  • Encouraging participants to articulate a theology of ministry grounded in their experience of supervised learning

Who might be interested in applying? Those who:

  • are interested in supervising an internship, field education student or designated lay minister
  • wish to complement their SPE experiences by specialized study of the theory and practice of supervision
  • seek a professional development experience in an           action-reflection model
  • feel called to a ministry of supervision with others
  • have already experienced a validation of this call by others
  • have substantial experience in pastoral/institutional ministry
  • offer significant life experience and maturity
  • desire an experiential learning process
  • believe that experience leads to learning
  • are willing to give and receive direct, honest feedback
  • are committed to learning
  • commit to shared leadership
  • enjoy examining areas such as conflict management, power dynamics, learning styles, etc.
  • believe that theological reflection is essential to learning and ministry
  • are committed to an action-reflection model of learning
  • wish to utilize self insight and peer input


Section 1: Five-day course, May 2-6, 2016 at Five Oaks, 9:00-5:30, with some evening homework.

Section 2: An experience of supervising someone between section 1 and 2, to be arranged prior to the first section in order to practice skills and integrate learning. Reflecting on who would be a suitable supervisee can be discussed with the instructors.

Section 3: One week course, October 24-28, 2016 at Emmanuel College, 9:00-5:30 and some evening homework

To view full program details, including the cost and registration, click here.

For a printable flyer for this program, click here.

Categories: Courses  |  Ministry  |  Personal Development