Online Course
Shared Ministry, Total Ministry, Mutual Ministry, Area Ministry. No matter what you call it, the question is the same: “Given that we are called to ministry at this time and in this place with these resources, what are we to DO?” This course will teach a model of ministry discernment for community. We will explore our call to ministry – both as individuals and as the collective, discuss how to lead and empower others in their ministry, and seek articulation of ministry in real and tangible ways outside the walls of the church building.

The Rev. Michelle Meech is the Ministry Developer for the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and an Episcopal priest. She received an MDiv from Church Divinity School of the Pacific where she focused on ministry development. Michelle is also an Enneagram teacher, has a strong interest in interfaith dialogue, and is passionate about helping people connect to their call in ministry.
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Mon, Jan 14, 2013
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