Meditation, Mandalas & More

July 13, 2015 - July 19, 2015

Meditation, Mandalas & More

Workshop ID: G15S722
Dates: July 13July 19
Price: $678.00$1,355.00

Let’s spend a week creating personal symbols for healing, focusing on the four elements of earth, air, fire and water. We will meditate, explore guided visualizations and create various forms of visual art. This will include drawing mandalas, painting using watercolors and creating collages. We can explore each of these as an intuitive rather than an intellectual process. Questions asked might be, what do I need to work on today? What direction can I take in my life that will help me to fulfill my goals? How can I heal from these wounds and move on to more joy?

There will be steps in each process: we do internal work via meditations and visualizations, then we enter the work, create and go through it and come out on the other side. What do we end up with? Personal realizations, centered time to reflect and redirect and, of course, our visual art pieces, too. It is as much about the process as the product.

Many supplies are provided, instructor will email a list of additional things to bring two weeks prior to the class.

Categories: Spiritual Direction  |  The Arts  |  Workshops