Media and the Church

November 7, 2013 - November 8, 2013
Halifax NS


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<h3>A Continuing Education Opportunity Presented by ASTIAA</h3>
<p><strong>Dates:</strong> November 7-8, 2013</p>
<p><strong>Location:</strong> Cathedral Church of All Saints, 1330 Martello Street, Halifax, NS<br />
<strong><br />
Instructor:</strong> The Rev. Canon Eric Beresford, AST President<br />
<strong><br />
Registration Fee:</strong> $85<br />
<strong><br />
Registration Deadline:</strong> October 23, 2013</p>
<p>Registration Forms: <a href=pdf / MS Word
Brochure (includes schedule) (pdf)
Suitable for printing: Poster (pdf)

About the workshop . . .

The church and the media have long had an uneasy relationship. This is not surprising, given that the church tends to be only in the news when it is bad news. Yet some of the tensions can be addressed by understanding the work of journalists and what their needs are, and by learning to work cooperatively with the media in good times as well as bad.

Many clergy, however, find this threatening. How are we to cultivate such relationships? What benefit can we hope to gain from doing so, and what are the risks?

For more information, please contact the Communications/Alumni Relations Office
     Telephone: 902-496-7943
     Email: [email protected]

Categories: Communications  |  Conferences  |  Workshops