Making Peace with Food Through our Mind and Bodies

January 23, 2016
Toronto ON

Quiet Saturday: Making Peace with Food

Making Peace with Food Through our Mind and Bodies

If you have a love-hate relationship with food and crave a positive sensible approach to eating, this workshop is for you.

Nourishing your body is a way of feeling healthy, energized and whole. Come and join us as we explore together ways to develop greater self-acceptance and a more flexible, self-compassionate attitude to body weight and eating.

Through discussion and activities, participants will gain insight into the relationship between body, mind, and spirit, and learn approaches to eating mindfully without judgment or guilt.

Led by Catherine Smith, a Registered Dietitian whose clinical practice in Toronto serves women, seniors, psychiatric survivors and people who have lived on or near the street. Catherine completed a Masters in Theology in 2011 at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto.

  • Saturday, January 23, 2016
  • Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends 4 pm.
  • Fee $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.
  • Registration deadline: January 16, 2016
  • Registration here »