Looking Towards A Church Fully Reconciled

May 22, 2017 - May 27, 2017




May 22 – 27 , 2017
The ACR is offering a unique opportunity to get into the engine room of current Anglican Roman Catholic thought about our partnerships and our common ground.  Where have we got to? Where can we go from here? There are many new views of the high common ground that we might ascend to and stand on, there are many places where this is already happening. What is driving us? How are we doing on the unresolved topics of “Mary, Grace and hope in Christ”; “The Gift of authority”, what might we be capable of agreeing on formally in the next few years? How can we share and make the most of the friendships that are growing around the world between Anglicans and Roman Catholics?

These and many other challenging topics will be addressed and shared in seminar form over a period of four days in Rome, and will include good papal audience seats, time with leading scholars locally as well as visits to ecumenical projects and sites : these will include ecumenical refugee work and new links in the justice and peace areas of mission. The course will be co led by The Revd Dr Charles Sherlock, of  ARCIC II and III, one of ARCICs most long serving and prolific scholars, as well as one of Australia’s most distinguished theologians and educators. The course will also be co-led by Archbishop David Moxon, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Holy See and director of the centre, who co-chairs ARCIC III.

Course fee €525

Categories: Anglican Studies  |  Courses  |  Ecumenism