Longer Lenses: Preaching Lent and Easter as One Piece

February 1, 2016
Offered by Five Oaks Centre

Learning Together – Program offered in partnership with Emmanuel College Continuing Education, Oaten Institute of Five Oaks and United in Learning

This pivotal time in the Christian Year is so powerful it swamps all others. But the whole story of Jesus Christ is one piece. Starting early to prepare, we shall look at these seasons through two longer lenses. First, what is the universal human condition the texts address? Secondly, what is the primal word of inspiration in the texts, week by week? Lent/ Easter is a time for the broad human  heart. A clear message to a wide audience is our essential witness.

The Rev. Dr. Malcolm Sinclair is the Minister of the Congregation at Toronto’s Metropolitan United Church. This year marks his forty-sixth year of ordination, and his twenty-eighth in the Metropolitan pulpit.

Malcolm is widely recognized as an imaginative and innovative preacher, and has travelled in Canada, and internationally over the years, practising this art. Victoria University honoured him with a Doctor of Divinity degree in 1997, and Emmanuel College presented him with its Distinguished Alumni Award in 2013.

WHEN: Monday, February 1, 2016 10am – 3:00 pm

WHERE: Emmanuel College , and online

COST: Workshop fee $95, plus HST. Includes lunch

Early bird $75 Before December 21

Registration available through Emmanuel College.

Deadline for registration: Monday January 25, 2016. 

For further information contact Betsy Anderson 416-813-4096 or [email protected].

To view information on line, click here.

Categories: Preaching  |  Programs  |  Workshops