Living Word, Living Way – Online

June 21, 2015 - July 26, 2015
Living Word, Living Way – Online $75.00
Living Word, Living Way - Online

Patience Robbins welcomes you from wherever you are in your spiritual journey as she guides you through the use of lectio divina, walking meditation, the practice of gratitude and intercessory prayers. This offering is the second in the Online School of Contemplative Prayer Series; however, the courses can be taken in any sequence that feels right for you. (This eCourse was previously named “Scripture, Movement, Gratitude & Prayer for Others.”)

Wherever you are in your prayer life—whether you feel like a beginner or want to deepen a particular practice; whether you want to explore new ways of praying or are seeking the support of like-spirited others in an online setting—the School of Contemplative Prayer Series offers something for you.

The online sessions are experiential and will include: enrichment and support for your daily practice through weekly course material, contemplative quotes and images, and midweek e-mail check-ins; encouragement for opening to God through a particular way of praying; opportunities for conference call, journaling and shared reflection with other participants through a simple, secure, members-only web space.

During the six-week course, each session builds on the previous sessions, so we encourage you to participate in all sessions sequentially. The online aspect of the course offers you the flexibility of viewing the course material at any time during your day that is right for you. Through it all, your daily silent prayer discipline is the most important aspect of this course.

“Illumination is the word that says it all. Life for me now includes these practices for my mental, physical and spiritual health. In contemplative prayer I have rediscovered the doorway to experiencing the Holy within myself.” — An eCourse graduate

Technical Requirements: Google Chrome or Firefox browsers are highly recommended. Biweekly e-mails connect you to the course website. Teachings are hosted by YouTube. Weekly reflection questions are offered for download and printing. Prayerful technical assistance is offered via email. Adjust your email spam filters to receive emails from [email protected] and [email protected] before the course start date.

Dates: June 21 to July 26, 2015

Time: Flexible, you will receive Sunday and Thursday e-mails. Plan for time set aside each day for daily practice.

Leaders: Patience Robbins and other Shalem staff (including an audio recording of the late Gerald May)

Location: The Contemplative-Living website, a secure, members-only web community of Shalem Institute

Cost: $75