Living the Threefold Rule

September 27, 2016 - September 30, 2016
West Park NY

Living the Threefold Rule

Tuesday, September 27 – Friday, September 30, 2016

:: Led by Rev. Matthew Wright

“Rule”—as in “Rule of Life”—comes from the Latin word regula, and is not so much about rules as it is a regulating principle that governs one’s life of prayer.  Anglican theologian Martin Thornton wrote about the “threefold Rule” of the Church — a balanced life of prayer that intentionally connects the pray-er, through regular disciplines, with each Person of the Holy Trinity.  We will examine the Daily Office, contemplative prayer, and Holy Eucharist within this framework, and look at ways to make each an intentional part of your personal rhythm of prayer.

We will focus particularly on The Book of Common Prayer as an “ascetical tool-kit” (and not just your “Sunday pew book”!).  “Ascetical theology” is our theology of how we practice or “do” our faith, and from this angle we’ll engage the Prayer Book and the Church’s liturgical year as road maps.  We will ground our discussion in the wider currents of Catholic and Anglican spirituality.  Come and explore a deeper life of Christian prayer and practice!

The Rev. Matthew Wright is an Episcopal priest, writer, and retreat leader. He serves as priest-in-charge at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY.  Matthew and his wife, Yanick, live alongside the brothers of Holy Cross Monastery.

Cost: $310; deposit: $80

Categories: Liturgy  |  Prayer  |  Retreats