Friday, March 3 – Sunday, March 5, 2017
Led by Rev. Martin Smith
In a world of surfaces and compulsory connectivity, where celebrity is paramount and self-publicizing valued, attending to the inner life of the spirit becomes more counter cultural than ever. Join us for a weekend of silence, prayer and reflection for deepening our sense of the mystery of our true identity in Christ, and for growing in appreciation of the hidden life of the heart as the tap root of our capacity for communion with others. The addresses will draw on rich traditions from the experience of those who have explored the life of solitude down the centuries.
Fr. Martin L. Smith is well know throughout the Episcopal Church and beyond for his explorations of contemporary spirituality through workshops, retreats and preaching, and widely read books, including The Word is Very Near You, A Season for the Spirit, Reconciliation, Compass and Stars, Love Set Free, and recently, with the Rev. Julia Gatta, Go in Peace: the Art of Hearing Confessions. He has over thirty years of experience in training and supervising preachers and spiritual directors. Now retired, he makes Washington, DC his base for a roving ministry of spiritual formation and teaching.
Cost: $300; deposit: $80