Living from the Spiritual Heart – Online

February 21, 2016 - March 27, 2016

Living from the Spiritual Heart – Online

Do you yearn to see, listen and act more deeply from your spiritual heart?

Join Tilden Edwards during the 2016 Lenten season and enroll in the eCourse beginning February 21, 2016.  Gather a group and experience together.


You desire truth
in the inward being;
therefore teach me
wisdom in my secret heart.

Psalm 51:6

With material designed specifically for this eCourse, Tilden offers teachings, guided meditations, reflection questions, a live conference call and midweek check-in emails.  Already taken this eCourse? We have heard from many people who take our courses  repeatedly.  You are welcome to join us again, with new receptivity, words that may reach you in a new way, and with a new community of contemplative seekers in this 2015 new year.

Dates: 6 session series beginning February 21, 2016
Time: Flexible; you will receive Sunday and Thursday e-mails, and estimated 20 minutes a day for daily practice.
Place: Shalem’s members only Contemplative-Living website—
the week before the course begins, you will be sent an e-mail to set up your profile on this site.
Leader: Tilden Edwards, Ph. D, Shalem’s Founder and Senior Fellow
Cost: $75