Caroline Fairless, Veta Goler, Sally Z. Hare and Jean Richardson

In this unique retreat, Caroline Fairless invites you join her for a Circle of Trust, grounded in Parker J. Palmer’s Circle of Trust® approach and introducing her new book The God Presumption and her insights into how that keeps us living a divided life. Dr. Jean Richardson and Dr. Veta Goler, and Dr. Sally Z. Hare, national Circle of Trust facilitators, will join her in creating the space for this retreat, bringing their own unique gifts to the experience.
The safe space of this retreat offers you the opportunity to glimpse your own hidden wholeness, to rejoin soul and role, even in a world that feels divided. This is a creative endeavor that asks us to reclaim our own story and to begin to notice and name how our culture’s presumption of God may add to our own sense of dividedness.
Our lives are not our experiences, but how we make meaning from our experiences. Researchers in leadership and adult development today are affirming that successful adults are those who remember, reflect and recreate their stories. You will have the chance to hear from Caroline about her own experience as well as to listen to your Self.
Caroline Fairless is the author of several books in addition to the recently- published The God Presumption, including The Space Between Church & Not-Church ~ A Sacramental Vision for the Healing of Our Planet, and The Dance of the Caterpillars ~ In a Time Before Texting. She blogs at Dr. Jean M. Richardson serves as the director of Kirkridge Retreat Center. Working in a variety of capacities in retreat settings over the last 23 years and offers her life experience as a community organizer, Presbyterian minister and educator. Sally Z. Hare, Ph.D., earned her doctorate at the University of South Carolina and has completed post-doctoral work in settings as diverse as the Harvard University Leadership Institute, the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, and the Institute of Noetic Science’s Healing Arts of Bali. She is president of still learning, inc, and Singleton Distinguished Professor Emerita at Coastal Carolina University. Veta Goler, PhD, has served as Arts and Humanities Division Chair and Associate Professor of Dance at Spelman College. A dance historian and former modern dance artist, she has been a national Circle of Trust® facilitator since 2007 and can be reached at [email protected]
Cost $595 includes double ocupancy room, board and tuition