Theology II

September 7, 2020 - September 21, 2020
Offered by Regent College
5800 University Blvd.
VancouverBCV6T 2E4
THEO 602

This course is a reflection in faith on the realities of Christian doctrine.  Under the general heading of “salvation,” we will explore four major areas of Christian doctrine: last things (eschatology), the work of Christ and our appropriation of it (soteriology), the Holy Spirit (pneumatology), and the church (ecclesiology).  We will do so with a focus on salvation as “participation,” which will highlight for us God’s desire to be present with us in personal love and grace.  As we embark on this study in the light of Scripture and Tradition, we will seek to develop our insight in these areas of doctrine for the sake of our participation in the life of God and so for service in the kingdom of God.