Lenten Retreat

March 15, 2019 - March 17, 2019
West CornwallCT
Lenten Retreat
March 15–17, 2019

Lenten Retreat


Lent is a solemnly hopeful season, one which clears out the cobwebs of our lives, and in the language of one of our Eucharistic prayers, “prepares with joy for the Easter feast.” Set the tone for your own Lenten observance during this annual retreat on the second weekend in Lent. This quiet and nourishing weekend will focus on the themes of the season surrounded by the beauty of early spring in rural Connecticut. Engage with Lent at its transformative depths and experience its secret abundance as we make this spiritual journey together toward Easter.

Led by the Rev. Daniel Simons, Director of Spiritual Formation, Trinity Retreat Center.

This retreat is suitable for adults and for young people who are capable of participating in adult conversations.

Categories: Prayer  |  Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction