Lenten Quiet Day for Associates, Oblates and Friends

March 7, 2015


Quiet Saturday: Saturday, March 7, 2015

“Now is the healing time decreed …” This phrase comes from an ancient Lenten hymn, and points to one of the ways in which Lent has long been understood – a time set aside for the healing of our hearts and our minds.

On this Quiet Day, we’ll look at some of the images of healing in the Christian tradition – Christ as healer of our spiritual wounds, Christ as medicine for our ailing souls – and think about how we can use Lent as a “healing time” in our own lives.

Led by the Rev. Maggie Helwig, Associate of SSJD and priest-in-charge at St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, Toronto, author and social justice advocate.

  • Begins 9:30 am with a gathering for coffee; ends: 4:00 pm.
  • Fee: $25 ($15 for Associates and Oblates) if you bring a bag lunch. A hot meal is an additional $15.
  • Registration: see here »