Leadership and Management in Non-Profits

June 1, 2015 - June 5, 2015
Offered by Wycliffe College
Toronto ON

Leadership and Management in Non-Profits (WYP1621HF)
This course is one of the praxis courses offered as part of the Master of Theological Studies in urban and international development but is applicable as a free elective in our other programs. In this course, students examine the unique characteristics and roles of leaders within non-profit organisations in our society. Sectorial Issues as well as practical factors pertaining to the effective management and leadership of non-profit organisations within diverse contexts will be explored.
Students will focus on six significant capacity areas of management and leadership: strategy, HR, Financial Stewardship, Resource Development, Program, and Team Leadership.

Schedule: June 1 – 5, 2015.
Instructors: W Clayton Rowe
Course Syllabus: Click here to see the course syllabus

Categories: Courses  |  Leadership  |  Ministry