Landscapes and Soulscapes: A Camino Divina Adventure into the Divine

Led By: Gina Marie Mammano
Suggested Donation: $360

Tuesday, 27 August – Friday, 30 August 2019


Landscapes and Soulscapes: A Camino Divina Adventure into the Divine will help you explore in greater depth a richer, deeper relationship with the land, the self, and the Divine. You will be provided with thoughtful and joyful practices that can help you connect more deeply wherever you find yourself, whether at home or abroad. Through the practice of “camino divina- walking the divine way,” inner and outer landscapes will be explored through intuitive exercises, journaling, conversational partnering, finger labyrinths, and walking meditation, accompanied by the words of poets and sages to walk alongside you.



Gina Marie Mammano is an award-winning poet and the author of Camino Divina- Walking the Divine Way: A Book of Moving Meditations with Likely and Unlikely Saints published by SkyLight Paths Publishing/Turner Publishing. Her training as a spiritual director, work as a retreat leader, Waldorf educator, Reiki practitioner, and work with the Opening the Book of Nature program have allowed her the ability to create interactive, artful, deep and intuitive events that work within both the interior and exterior landscapes. She lives on Whidbey Island.