Journey Toward Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal® Retreat Series

October 23, 2015 - July 24, 2016
Offered by Pendle Hill

Journey Toward Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal® Retreat Series

Oct 23, 2015 – Jul 24, 2016 (four weekends)

Facilitated by Valerie Brown and Carol Kortsch

$2245/shared room; $2385/private room; $1725/commuter for the series

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Developed by Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal®, this retreat series explores issues of transition, vocation, passion, life purpose, meaning, direction, and underlying life patterns to help us live in greater alignment with our values, reconnecting who we are with what we do.

In a safe and nurturing environment, we let the noise around us subside and listen for our own inner voice. Using the rhythms of the season to guide us, we explore the wholeness of our lives, engaging poetry and prose, nature, small and large group discussion, personal reflection, journaling, and mindfulness practices to foster renewal, courage, and trust. At each retreat, we offer clearness committees, a Quaker communal process for individual discernment.

Journey Toward Wholeness is designed as an integrated four-part Courage & Renewal® Retreat Series, in which participants build a community of trust that encourages everyone to explore life issues deeply. Commitment to participate in all four of the following weekend retreats is required:

October 23-25, 2015 – Seeds of the True Self
February 5-7, 2016 – Dwelling in Darkness
April 1-3, 2016 – Embracing the Power of Paradox
July 22-24, 2016 – Living with Abundance & Gratitude

Click the “Apply Online!” button above to complete a pre-registration questionnaire — a facilitator will contact you regarding admission to the program and the registration process.

What recent participants say about Journey Toward Wholeness:

“This experience filled my cup to overflowing. I am more strong, clearer, energized, more affirming of self — and thus all others I am in relationship with. The most valuable aspect of the retreat is to have communion with other souls to be exposed, to be held in a very palpable love, to be encouraged to grow. This is about transformation — about being totally alive and using your life in the way you were meant to be.” LMH

“Journey Into Wholeness is a deep-dive into the experience of meeting each other as human beings beyond our roles, status and expertise. It is an opportunity to build the capacity to listen and speak authentically, and practice living a more generative life.” BAB


Valerie Brown is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. A consultant and principal of Lead Smart Coaching, LLC, specializing in leadership and mindfulness training, Valerie is a popular coach, retreat and pilgrimage leader, and author. She wrote three Pendle Hill pamphlets, and her most recent book is The Mindful School Leader. Visit for more information about Valerie and her work.

CarolKortschCarol Kortsch was born and raised in Africa, educated in Canada, and worked internationally for 20 years establishing live-in rehabilitation, counseling, and training communities. She is a facilitator trained by the Center for Courage & Renewal and working at Stonehaven Commons in Radnor, PA. She offers retreats fom her wilderness soul as a life adventurer and Earth listener.

Travel directions to Pendle Hill.