Pat Mulroy and Jean Richardson

Oct. 15-17, 2018, Feb. 25-27, 2019, May 13-15, 2019
“Every problem we see ‘out there’ has part of its root system ‘in here.’” — Parker Palmer
Life is a journey and far too often, as we are filled with voices demanding attention from the outside world, we forget how to listen to the desires of our own hearts. Using the Circle of Trust® based on the work of Parker J. Palmer, this series of three retreats will encourage you to discover the deep heart conversations you are yearning to have with yourself while moving through the natural transitions of your life.
Honoring that time is critical both to the opening of ourselves to ourselves and the building of community.
Participation in all three retreats is expected. There are other programs offered through Kirkridge and The Center for Courage and Renewal that are one time offerings. Please do not sign up for this series without the commitment to attend all three sessions.
If you would like to learn more about the programs of Courage and Renewal® programs please see
Cost $425 per event includes double occupancy room, board and tuition. Call to register and pay for all three retreats and save $150! 610-588-1793.