Intermediate Greek – Online

September 10, 2020 - December 10, 2020
15 University Ave.
WolfvilleNSB4P 2R6

Designation: GREE 6013

Intermediate Greek builds upon the foundation of an introductory year of Greek. The focus of the course is on increasing students’ reading skill by building vocabulary, solidifying introductory grammatical foundations, introducing the student to Greek syntax, and reading larger portions of New Testament text.

Recommended Prior Study

  • GREE 5013 Foundations of New Testament Greek 1, or permission of the instructor based on qualifying test
  • GREE 5023 Foundations of New Testament Greek 2, or permission of the instructor based on qualifying test


Wade White

Adjunct Faculty: [email protected]

Available Online

Take this course in an online format. Weekly assignments and readings are enhanced with online forum discussions.

Course Information
Current Schedule – Weekly – Fall Term 2020 Designation Instructor
Can be done by Directed Study

Thurs. or DS

GREE 6013 X1 Wade White