In Search of Wisdom
“Where can wisdom be found, where is the place of understanding?” Job 28:12
Register now at a cost of $440 (includes program and meals) for the July 21-26 Institute of Theology. Lodging is available at an additional cost. Be sure to register early, on-campus lodging is limited. Discounted pricing is available for groups.
The Institute of Theology (IOT) is a weeklong program focusing on your vocation and spiritual renewal.
Although there is a significant range of wisdom literature in the Old Testament Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job—there is a fundamental understanding concerning wisdom’s centers and borders, as well as its sovereignty and perceptions of justice.
Many present-day scholars ponder the uniqueness and diversity of Old Testament wisdom in an effort to understand God’s divine revelation today. Princeton Seminary’s 2013 Institute of Theology (IOT) will mine the store of wisdom literature in scripture to illuminate the search for wisdom in today’s church. Retreat to Princeton and engage in plenary lectures, hymn singing, and artistic expression with theologians, scholars, musicians, artists, and colleagues. During the weeklong program, we will uncover together revelations found in the wisdom books of the Bible. You will have time to focus on your vocation and spiritual renewal, and participate in workshops that relate to your ministry while enjoying theological conversations with colleagues and friends in a relaxed atmosphere.
Also, take advantage of the opportunity to enjoy fellowship, spiritual formation, scholarship, and worship with leaders and clergy who will be on campus for two coinciding conferences:
For more information on the Institute of Worship with the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, please click here. To register for the Institute of Worship with the Presbyterian Association of Musicians, click here.
For more information on the Engle Institute of Preaching, click here.