Holy Cross Advent Retreat – O Come, Let us Adore Him

December 4, 2015 - December 6, 2015
West Park NY

Holy Cross Advent Retreat – O Come, Let us Adore Him

Friday, December 4 – Sunday, December 6

Led by Rev. Martin Smith

We all have a latent gift for adoration and we will dedicate this retreat to the realization of this inner capacity for “loving with the brakes off,” as we contemplate Christ who “emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness” (Phil. 2:7). Looking frankly at the inhibitions that hold us back from letting go in adoration, we will open ourselves to the Spirit’s release of our freedom to love.

Fr. Martin L. Smith is well know throughout the Episcopal Church and beyond for his explorations of contemporary spirituality through workshops, retreats and preaching, and widely read books including, The Word is Very Near You, A Season for the Spirit, Reconciliation, Compass and Stars, Love Set Free and recently, with the Rev Julia Gatta, Go in Peace: the Art of Hearing Confessions. He has over thirty years of experience in training and supervising preachers and spiritual directors. Now retired, he makes Washington DC his base for a roving ministry of spiritual formation and teaching.

Cost: $290, deposit: $80

Categories: Retreats  |  Spiritual Direction  |  Spirituality