Hidden in Plain View: Exploring Scarcity and Abundance – A Retreat using the Circles of Trust® Approach
Megan LeBoutillier and Jean Richardson

Hidden in Plain View: Exploring Scarcity and Abundance offers a space where we can safely explore beliefs that may no longer be working in our best interest. In retreat we can step back from our thoughts and behavior for long enough to catch a glimpse of the unexamined and self-limiting beliefs that lurk behind the scenes. With new awareness we can make choices about whether there are beliefs and behaviors we might like to change. Within a nonjudgmental, non-shaming and compassionate setting, participants will be invited to examine their mental, physical, spiritual and financial relationships with abundance and scarcity.
This retreat is for anyone seeking ways to live an undivided life, to live with wholeness and satisfaction. It is for those who, in Parker Palmer’s phrase, are experiencing “the politics of the broken-hearted,” facing the seeming divisiveness on our planet, and looking for ways of responding that are creative, inclusive, and life-giving.
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Thoreau
Megan LeBoutillier has been a facilitator since the first Courage and Renewal cohort was trained in 1999. She has conducted a two-year seasonal retreat series and many Circles of Trust. As an artist, Megan likes to explore the intersections between Courage and Creativity.
Jean Richardson serves as the director of Kirkridge Retreat Center in Bangor, Pennsylvania. Prior to her move Jean spent 10 years on the staff of Ghost Ranch, a national conference center of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. located in New Mexico. A Presbyterian minister, she has worked a variety of professional capacities in retreat settings for the 18 years. A trained facilitator of the Center for Courage and Renewal she has led over 30 Courage and Renewal programs. Earlier in her career Jean served as a community organizer, urban pastor, consultant and adjunct faculty member with San Francisco Theological Seminary.
Cost $425 includes double occupancy room, board and tuition