Healing What Grieves You
Julie Lange Groth

Do you sometimes feel blocked, inexplicably weary, unable to make decisions or move forward in your life? You may be weighed down by unresolved grief.
We all experience painful losses in life that affect us deeply, even though they may have happened long ago, and we may believe we have put them behind us. Whether it’s the death of a loved one or other kinds of loss, like our parents’ divorce, the end of an important friendship, a miscarriage, losing a beloved pet, home foreclosure or job loss—these are just a few examples of experiences that can leave lasting scars.
Unfortunately, our culture does not make room for us to grieve our losses . We are expected to soldier on and bury our feelings. But this unresolved grief, which almost everyone carries, can keep us stuck, and unable to live our best life.
This workshop will help you identify where you may be carrying grief and help you work with it on a spiritual level to bring peace and healing in all areas of your life. Working within a circle of safety and openness, we will use guided meditation to the beat of a drum, time spent in nature, ceremony, creative expression and sharing to acknowledge and release what grieves us with intention and awareness.
What to bring: Eyeshade or bandana, Something on which to lie down or sit comfortably, Notebook or journal, Drums or rattles if you have them. Wear comfortable clothing
Julie Lange Groth is the author of Life Between Falls: A Travelogue Through Grief and the Unexpected, a book about her healing journey after the accidental death of her 16-year-old son in 1993 into a life of unexpected joy and richness. While her son’s death and several other profound losses within a two-year period stripped away all of the trappings of her previous life, her grieving process gradually evolved into a new career as a writer and community advocate for teens. Along the way she began studying shamanism and other forms of spiritual healing and now offers healing services and workshops through Ravens Drum. (See http://www.ravensdrum.com/).
Cost $365 double occupancy room and board. Julie is graciously donating her time to lead this workshop. All proceeds benefit Kirkridge.
– See more at: http://www.kirkridge.org/index.cfm?e=event&eventId=19109&rDate=1477004400#sthash.56aj6cIv.dpuf