Healing, Letting Go and Moving On

July 12, 2015 - July 16, 2015
Niagara Falls ON

Healing, Letting Go and Moving On

Led by Kathryn McMorrow

July 12-16, 2015

Sunday Check-In before 5:30 PM dinner until Thursday lunch

A gentle exploration of the process of healing from life’s hurts, losses, betrayals and disappointments thereby liberating the energy trapped in self-defeating anger, resentment, depression and addiction patterns which prevent us from living fully who we are called to be.

Mornings will consist of mini-presentations, personal reflection, scripture references and listening partners.  Afternoons will be for personal integration through a variety of optional meditative activities and healing rituals.

Participants will leave with both insights and tools for continuing the journey to wholeness and plenitude.

Because of the nature of the retreat, registration is limited and each retreatant will have the opportunity for an individual session with Kathryn if they so wish.

For further information e-mail Kathryn at [email protected]

Cost: $500