Healing Grief Around the Sacred Wheel

November 8, 2020 - November 13, 2020
$650.00 - $1,285.00
280 Private Drive 1708

Per public health orders, only New Mexico residents or out of state visitors who have quarantined for 14 days may visit the ranch.


The Sacred Wheel is an ancient, shamanic tool for deepening awareness and healing painful energetic blocks that keep us from life?s spirit-filled beauty and power. This week-long course will guide and illuminate participants through the Wheel?s four directions with reflections, guided meditations, sacred art, and personal time on the land to experience the ancient grief-healing wisdom of the earth. The week ends in our hearts with the profound Heartbeat of Gratitude celebration!

This retreat takes place at Casa del Sol, away from the main ranch, which provides quiet and safe space for work that engages spirit and focus, dedicated to deep spiritual and artistic contemplation.

Categories: Prayer  |  Reconciliation  |  Retreats