Head, Heart, and Hands: Creative Spirituality

July 23, 2023 - July 29, 2023
Sunday - Saturday July 23 - 29, 2023
Offered by Sorrento Centre
$400/week. Course fee $150 plus the $250 Activity fee

As people created in God’s image, we are made to be creators too. How can what we make with our hands connect us spiritually to ourselves, to God, and to each other? Longtime Sorrento leader David Taylor and weaving teacher Ali Hurlburt are teaming up to offer a course combining spiritual reflection and hands-on crafting. Crafting lets us reconnect our minds, spirits and bodies, encouraging us to focus and be present. How can we, as people of faith, bring that same spirit to broader questions of social and spiritual connection? We will listen, pray, and sing while we play with colours, textures and (of course) yarn!

A range of beginner crafty activities will be on offer–absolutely no experience required.


Categories: Mental Health  |  Rest and Renewal  |  Spirituality