An introductory study of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of biblical Greek using a morphological approach. This two-course sequence prepares the student for exegetical study of the Greek New Testament, and introduces the most important reference tools. These courses will provide the basic skills necessary for translating and interpreting the New Testament.
The general set of outcomes Trinity desires for each of our graduates includes the following:
1.The student will recognize and identify the biblical theology evident in the coursework.
2.The student will be able to articulate an Anglican understanding of biblical,historical, systematic, and pastoral theology. Students of other traditions,especially those in the Lutheran and Presbyterian programs, should be able to articulate the theological perspective of their own tradition.
3.The student will be able to effectively communicate the Christian message to a diversity of people in order to advance the mission of God.
4.The student will be prepared to effectively lead in a variety of Christian communities.