Gospel of Mark – Online

May 4, 2020 - May 14, 2020
Course to be offered remotely via Zoom 9am to 12pm. - Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu.
Offered by Wycliffe College
5 Hoskin Avenue


A consecutive exegetical examination of the Gospel of Mark with discussion of critical issues in gospel studies.

Pre-Class Assignment: Before May 4 (for first day of class)

  1. Have read through the Gospel of Mark twice.  Using an English translation (I prefer you to use either the New American Standard Bible or the New Revised Standard Bible), read as slowly as you can.   As you come across puzzling, interesting, or arresting passages, consult two commentaries, one which you have chosen from the list below and  the required commentary by M. E. Boring.  Make notes for yourself.
  2. On the basis of your reading of Mark, write a five page summary of the gospel, including comments on the following:
    1. Who are the main characters in the narrative and how does Mark characterize them?
    2. What do you think Mark wants his readers to understand about Jesus?
    3. What are two puzzling aspects of Mark’s narrative?
    4. What for you is the most important feature of Mark’s narrative?

This must be sent to the professor by 9 a.m. on the first day of class.  (Worth 25%)

Also Before May 4

  • Read Boring, Mark, pp. 1-25. Be prepared to discuss with your classmates at the first class what you have read.  (Have your reading notes with you during class).
  • Read Moloney, Mark: Storyteller, Interpreter, Evangelist, pp. 3-43.  Be prepared to discuss with your classmates what you have read.  (Have your reading notes) with you during class.
  • Read, C. Meyers, Binding the Strong Man. A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1991 (pp. 39-87 (in course packet). (Have your reading notes with you during class).
  • Prepare notes and observations on Mark 1:1-3:35.  Keep in mind that you will be part of a group that presents in dramatic form of Mark 1:1-3:35.  Bring these notes to class.  They will be the basis of your group project on the first day.

Note: you will not be asked to hand in to the professor your reading notes, but they will be very helpful for your participation in your small group.

Enrolment Notes:

In order to avoid academic and financial penalties, course must be dropped by May 6, 2020.