February 15 – February 18
Led by Lynn Bauman
The twentieth-century discovery of the Gospel of Thomas continues to amaze students and scholars alike. During our February retreat, translator and wisdom school teacher Lynn Bauman will lead us in a fresh look at this ancient text from a brand new angle– one he discovered working with the text of the Gospel of Thomas over past year. These insights form a new template for wisdom. The retreat will work with the recently published second edition of the Gospel of Thomas: Wisdom of the Twin (tr. Lynn Bauman), which has new interpretive material in it. We will begin at the center of the text and move toward its conclusion. All are welcome, both those who are familiar with the Gospel of Thomas and those who are new to this visionary and practical work. This is truly a wisdom document with diamond-like insights into the nature of Reality and our current life in the world.
Cost: $395