An online 15-month program Addressing the needs of anyone
Called to the ministry of spiritual direction
Desiring to serve and companion people in poverty or
Seeking renewal in their service of others
Important Dates for 22-23 Cohort
Application Deadline – April 13, 2022 (application at bottom of this page)
Opening Webinar – June 14, 2022 (time determined by participants)
Opening Intensive – July 22-29, 2022
Twice monthly webinars (dates & times determined by participants)
Monthly supervision (dates & times determined by participants)
Closing Intensive – August 19-25, 2023
what do we mean by soul care?
Soul Care is about the whole person. It goes by many different names, including spiritual direction, spiritual companioning, spiritual friendship, and soul care mentoring. We use these terms interchangeably.
Soul Care responds to the need for life purpose and meaning. It is concerned with the integration of all of one’s life, physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally. It attends to healing and calling; interior life and relationships; family and community; sabbath and work; service and social justice.
In a time marked by constant change, discernment becomes increasingly important, and spiritual companionship helps in the recognition of what is enduring. External pressures focus on productivity and constant innovation. So many people live day-to-day reacting to the latest stress and are depleted. Soul care fosters spiritual thriving, not just survival. It enables an individual to explore a core foundation in their relationship with the divine.